SKNN Training Program II
Due to the recent popularity that website TBGChat has received after creating the now famous Pokémon chat "Pokémon: The Baleful Night" on the site, our team at Shef Kerbi News Network has decided that this would be best for starting the second iteration of the SKNN Training Program.
We are doing this as we'd like to see some other talented indiviuals join in the process of reporting and creating news, and as a 15 month old long establishment, our current team has experience in providing the best news, ads and comics to our viewers.
Here were the people that were accepted as part of the first program:
Gender: M
Age: I'm as old as dirt.
Past Experience: I was a news reporter over in the Mushroom Kingdom for a bit.
Occupation: News Reporter.
Bobob LiteNing
Gender: M
Age: over 11
Past Experience: LittleBigPlanet level designer, trashposter, etc.
Desired Occupation: News Reporter for stuff happ,ening in LittleBigPlanet
The Sign Up Sheet
The employee form will contain the information shown below:
Past Experience:
Desired Occupation: (News Reporter/Advertiser/Comic Writer/etc)
By clicking "Copy to Clipboard", you agree to the 46 pages of terms and conditions that Shef Kerbi wrote
To complete the form, just fill in the blank areas of the form, and then press "Copy to Clipboard". From there, you can paste the form straight onto a new forum post.
Quality Control Procedures
Once you join Shef Kerbi News Network under this program, you will be required to find some news, create an ad, create a comic or whatever else you chose and then submit it to the SKNN topic. Due to the quality standards of SKNN, we want to make sure that our articles keep the same nice quality that they've had for years. The quality of your work will be discussed with established SKNN employees, and if we believe that your content fits in the style and quality of SKNN, your reports will be able to go into the newsletter.
If your style or quality of your posts isn't up to our standards, we'll give you feedback on how to make your stuff better.
"*insert witty quote here*"
$5.00 | ~8 ghost dollars | ⭐25 coins
Does not include potential cost from surprise mechanics (they're not lootboxes so it's not illegal!!!), purchases from Shef Kerbi's Apparel or preordering the Special Edition
Last night, the mysterious vandal of Apple the Cat's house broke into it. Apple was using all of his security cameras to record grass growing in his front yard, so unfortunately we don't have any footage of the perpetrator, but at least we know they didn't break on the porch, I guess. The thief stole all of Apple's cinnamon. Detectives believe that they then used Apple's personal time machine to take themself back to the past to play the sell it to people who want to do the cinnamon challenge.
DARKEY KONG EXPLODES THE WORLD (wait that's not until like 10 issues later)
Donkey Kong's evil twin that is actually brighter than him, Darkey Kong, was seen destroying random buildings in UDreem RLend √Town. Apparently, he was looking for more counters. Some people believe he is trying to build a calculator.
Now I don't wanna give my own opionion but...
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So we told you Shef Kerbi News Network fans on our Scratch page that you could post anything with the #SKNN hashtag and you could end up in our paper! In this episode, we'll respond to some of your feedback with the new SKNN format, as well as show some of your cool stuff!
We began this issue's section with
"Shef Kerbi News Network #32 - The First Anniversary Issue is now out:
Original comment
And here were your responses:
Ryrie36 wrote:
"Is she gonna find CatsUnited's NSFS Daisy picture?"
Original comment
yes5xg wrote:
"where is bon starbuckle"
I know you want Bon back, but we've received no more evidence. Bet you he's still out trying to fish for boots.
If you would like to submit your own opionion for Shef Kerbi, just go to our social media, on Twitter, Instagram or Scratch.
But prefably Scratch because that's what everyone uses
by John Gameman
recantly john gameman profesonal game and man an maneged to get a erly copy of "shef kerbi appel our somthing port for xbox.exe" but john gameman proofessonal game and man man forget that exe is bad! john gameman porfesional game and man man play "shef kerby apple hor something port for xbox.exe" and it play normaly but then werd head fall down so john gameman professonael game and man man colec it but then get 666 score! poop cat apear on sied of scren and say "JOHN GAMEMAN PROESSONAL GAME ANDMAN MAN YOU HAD DONE THE BADS WHY!" and then die. mr kerbi also look at john gamenan profesonal game and man man and say "you wil regert this!" and thn also die! john gameman professonal game nad man man scare a lot when sudenly santa come out of scren. "JOHNGAMEMAN PROFESONAL GAME AND MAN MAN I AM SANTA CLAUS TIEM TO GO TO UNDR WORLD BECAUS IF I SAY OTHR WORD JOHN GAMAN MOM WOULD MAKE ME GIEVE MONEY TO good at call of duty jar THEN DIE" HE SCREAM. john gameman profeesonal game amnd man man super scare but then JOHN GAME MAN REMEMBER! JOHNGAMENAM AWESOME! JOHN GAMEMAN KICK SANTA CLAUS WITH AWESOM CALL OF DUTY SKILLS! YES!
rrember to watch ouit for early copy of "shef kerbi appel our somthing port for xbox.exe" or alse santa may come for you an make you deads!
by Apple the Cat
Candy Sadness #0
The activity today is to unscramble "TOADSWORTH IS CORRUPT". Answer in the next bulletin. Have fun.
written by Zeke Teddy
Today the weather is going to be weather. Minimum of x where x is an element of the real numbers, maximum y where y is an element of the real numbers.
Shef Kerbi News Network follows the guidelines and conventions set by the 1984 High Quality News Act of Dreem Lend, which states
that any news published is to be of a high quality, is to remain unbiased and to show all sides of a news report, does not attack anyone, and protects the privacy
of people whose identities don't want to be revealed.
If you would like to file a complaint regarding content use, please message SKNN through our Scratch account. We also have a Twitter and Instagram account if you
Shef Kerbi News Network respects the ancestors of Cappy Town, and understands that they are the reason why Dreem Lend exists.
Shef Kerbi News Network is proud to be a subsidiary of Shef Werld